Minter Bridge Elementary
Here are some websites you might find helpful in teaching students Spanish.
- Here you will find fairy tales (cuentos infantiles)
- Spanish4Teachers
- Great for adults who want to learn Spanish along side their student. Especially
- Reading comprehension
- Spanish literature (to build vocabulary)
- Interactive activities (for topic specific vocabulary)
- Great for adults who want to learn Spanish along side their student. Especially
- Centro Virtual Cervantes
- For listening to conversations with printed dialogue (for developing speaking, listening, and reading skills.)
- 123 Teach Me
- Here, you will find great “drag and match” games/quizzes for everyday phrases.
- Rosetta Stone
- This one has a cost and is supposed to be good for intermediate speakers. Not recommended for beginners.
- Literacy Center Education Network
- HelloWorld
- Duolingo
Academic Resources
- About Smarter Balanced Assessments
- This shows the information about Smarter Balanced Assessments.
- Learning A-Z Correlation Chart
- This correlation chart illustrates how Learning A-Z levels approximately correlate to other leveling systems commonly found in leveled reading materials.
- NBC News Parent Toolkit
- To help parents participate in their children's academic success.
- Hillsboro School District video about report cards
Other Resources
- Hillsboro School District Website
- Houghton Mifflin: Education Place -- Reading activities that go with our reading series.
- Starfall -- Reading for primary.
- FunBrain -- Reading for intermediate.
- XtraMath
- MobyMax
- Lexicon Dictionary
- Web Quest
- Hilhi Youth Football - Flag, Tackle and Cheer
Aquí hay algunos sitios web que pueden ser útiles en el aprendizaje de Inglés.
- Colorín Colorado
- PBS Kids
- Duolingo
- Gráfico de Pruebas OAKS los estándares de logro
- Esto muestra los estándares de logros - o requisitos a cumplir y superar - para la Evaluación de Conocimientos y Habilidades de Oregon para 2013-2014.
- Aprender A-Z Gráfico de Correlación
- Esta tabla de correlación muestra cómo los niveles de aprendizaje AZ aproximadamente correlacionan con otros sistemas de nivelación que se encuentran comúnmente en los materiales de lectura por niveles.
- NBC News link Herramientas para Padres
- Para ayudar a los padres a participar en el éxito académico de sus hijos.
- Video sobre las boletas de calificaciones del distrito escolar de Hillsboro